Final Product- Music Video

Thursday 3 December 2009

Ska CD Covers- Research

This is the second album cover/back cover I have textually analysed when researching into the Ska genre to gain inspiration and be made aware of the conventions to this genre. Once gain there is the running theme of the use of black and white, however there is a use of red font colour- this might be because they want certain information to stand out or to show a progression in the genre or to show that this band ‘The Specials’ is doing something original with the genre of Ska. There is another silhouette used in this album cover telling me that this is a common convention amongst the Ska genre. The black and white checked squares are used again on the back of the cover- along with the common conventions of an album back cover. There is a main image of the band on the front cover once again suggesting that they want to be original and different with the genre as most Ska genre albums don’t feature an image of the band. I find the integration of black and white effetive on the front cover suggesting that all races are equal and ‘The Specials’ welcomed black people into Ska.

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