Final Product- Music Video

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Magazine Music Adverts- Research

This is a second magazine advert advertising a bands CD album which I have analyzed for research when constructing my own magazine advert for the release of my bands 'The Madettes' DVD album. I felt out of the magazine adverts that I could have analysed this had elements most like the elements I would and want to be using when I produce my DVD magazine advert. The main image on the magazine advert is the artwork to the bands CD album giving the audience an idea of the genre and what they would be purchasing. Through the style of the conventions on the advert the genre that is portrayed is Electro/Indie rock- through the image and white font style and background I think the genre is portrayed well. The band may have a range of genres that they may fit into as the colour font with the album title is communicating a New Rave genre to me. There is conventional information on the advert- websites, record label, release date, release of format, band name and title of bands album.
I want to use elements used in this magazine to create my advert for example the contrast in background to the image, the conventions showing different genres I am interested to in experimenting with particular the use of font.

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