Final Product- Music Video

Thursday 17 December 2009

Photoshop- Developing my Back cover and spine

In today's session I carried on developing my back cover and spine on Photoshop. With the background already finished, I placed the title of the DVD and my bands name on the spine, in my chosen font with contrasting colours so it was readable. I then placed the DVD logo on my spine as it was conventional to a DVD another convention I added to my DVD was an ordering number I had to make up.
Moving onto my back cover, sticking to my plan I wanted to create a Keyboard outline of keys/notes on the side of the cover which I will then place the track listings on the individual notes. Do create the Keyboard notes I had to use the 'Rectangle Tool' with a white background to create a base, then used the tool again but changed the colour to black and made the shapes smaller so they were the notes on the keyboard. With the notes made I then added in my track listings in-between each notes. I used a different font to make it more readable and create an effect that someone has personally wrote the title on. The font was different from my front cover and spine but used the same colours as the spine to keep the colour theme.

I then added conventional symbols such as my record label logo, DVD logo and compact disc logo to the bottom of my DVD back cover. I also placed a bar code at the bottom and the written information about copyright etc at the bottom too. Finally, another convention to the back cover is websites so I create an address for my bands official website and also placed the record company's website below the bands website.

I am now planning to take photos of my band and necklace used as iconography to carry on finishing my back and front cover.

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