Final Product- Music Video

Thursday 3 December 2009

Ska CD Cover- Research

I have begun to textually analyse the genre of Ska/2Tone artwork for the artist/bands album covers and back covers, to gain an understanding of the conventions from this genre to use when creating my marketing package- mainly my DVD cover and back cover. As you can see I have decided to analyse The Selecter’s album ‘Too Much Pressure’. The genre of music is directly told to the audience through the use of the symbol in the left hand corner on the front cover ‘2Tone’. The colours of only black and white are used on the back and front cover of the album- which is a common convention for the Ska genre. Another convention of the Ska genre and a convention which I want to use is the checked square- there are black and white squares running throughout this marketing package. I find the silhouette on the back cover effective and I would like to gain inspiration with the use of silhouette from this album, and use it in a different way/style for my band. There are the common conventions to a back cover of an album- record label, track listings, website etc. I feel this album cover is effective as the audience will know the style of the music from the conventions, with it sitting comfortably in the Ska/2Tone genre.

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