Final Product- Music Video

Saturday 19 December 2009

Photoshop- Finishing my Front and Back covers

During today's session I aimed to finish my front and back covers. After uploading my photos taken of my band and necklace, I edited them in Photoshop. For the necklace I used the 'Magic Wand Tool' to take out the background of the photo and just have the chain and pendant. I placed the finished image on the top of my back cover.
For the long shot of the band I used the 'Magic Wand Tool' to take out some background however I couldnt use it for the whole of the image so I used the 'Quick Selection Tool' and change the 'Tolerance' of the tool so I could take out smaller parts to the background. Once I just had the two members of my band I then changed the colour overlay of the image to a black to create a silhouette. I placed this silhouette in the middle of my front cover and also placed a smaller one on my back cover which I plan to change the colour overlay too as well.

Friday 18 December 2009

Photos taken to be used on my front, back and magazine advert

For my front cover to my DVD I am planning to have a photograph of 'The Madettes' that I would edited on Photoshop- I am planning to use this long shot taken by myself of the band. When researching the Ska genre I noticed how a lot of artwork used silhouettes on the covers- so I plan to edited this photo to create a silhouette.
I wanted to include recognisable symbols so I then took a close up of a necklace used in the music video that I would place on the back cover of my DVD.

Thursday 17 December 2009

Photoshop- Developing my Back cover and spine

In today's session I carried on developing my back cover and spine on Photoshop. With the background already finished, I placed the title of the DVD and my bands name on the spine, in my chosen font with contrasting colours so it was readable. I then placed the DVD logo on my spine as it was conventional to a DVD another convention I added to my DVD was an ordering number I had to make up.
Moving onto my back cover, sticking to my plan I wanted to create a Keyboard outline of keys/notes on the side of the cover which I will then place the track listings on the individual notes. Do create the Keyboard notes I had to use the 'Rectangle Tool' with a white background to create a base, then used the tool again but changed the colour to black and made the shapes smaller so they were the notes on the keyboard. With the notes made I then added in my track listings in-between each notes. I used a different font to make it more readable and create an effect that someone has personally wrote the title on. The font was different from my front cover and spine but used the same colours as the spine to keep the colour theme.

I then added conventional symbols such as my record label logo, DVD logo and compact disc logo to the bottom of my DVD back cover. I also placed a bar code at the bottom and the written information about copyright etc at the bottom too. Finally, another convention to the back cover is websites so I create an address for my bands official website and also placed the record company's website below the bands website.

I am now planning to take photos of my band and necklace used as iconography to carry on finishing my back and front cover.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Photoshop- Developing Front Cover, Back Cover and Spine

I will be using Photoshop on the Macs to produce my Digi-Pack- I will be producing a DVD Front and Back cover, an inside cover for my DVD and a magazine advert for my digi-pack, I may later produce additional materials using Photoshop if I have time.
During today's session I created three canvases for my front cover, back cover and spine (which I then plan to flatten and piece together in one canvas). To create my background for the DVD front and back cover I used the 'Pattern Stamp Tool' and chose a pattern that was black and white checked squares. I chose this as my research proves that this is a common convention to the Ska genre. I then used the 'Brush Tool' with a shade of purple to go over the checked squares- to make it effective I needed to change the 'Opacity' of the tool from 100% to 33%, so you could still see the checked squares. This is the background for my DVD front, back and spine, I am also planning to use this for my magazine advert and other marketing materials as a running theme in my Digi-Pack and Adverts.

Carrying on a iconography from my music video into my Digi-Pack and then added another layer to my front cover canvas and used the 'Pattern Stamp Tool' choosing a Jig-Saw piece as my stamp and placed one in each corner of my front cover- choosing the same pattern as my background. Also like my background, I used the 'Brush Tool' choosing four different colours and went over the stamp changing the opacity so you could still see the stamp- I wanted to create a spray effective and achieve this through using a brush.
I then placed the title of the DVD album at the top with my chosen font- I chose the colour yellow of the font to make the title stand out and contrast the background. Like my plan I want to have the name of my band 'The Madettes!' coming out of a trumpet- so I had to create individual text boxes and place them on the layer in a shape that conveyed the name coming out of the trumpet. I chose to have this in orange font as it worked well with the yellow title and also contrasted the background of purple.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Research into similar marketing ideas and represenation for bands/artists

While researching into the Ska genre I researched into a modern Ska band and artist relevant to the music industry at the moment. 'No Doubt' were very significant to the Ska genre movement as they brought the genre of Pop into Ska and to a mainstream modern audience. I also looked into the marketing for the main singer of No Doubt who is a solo artist herself- Gwen Stefani.

I want to merge the Pop genre with the Ska/2Tone genre for my band 'The Madettes' and feel that the marketing ideas behind these acts are extremely successful and I want to echo the success with my band.

DVD Inside Cover- Planning

This is my uploading of my inside cover of my DVD, I have continued to use checked squares and bright colours for the inside cover. I am planning to insert still shots into the left hand side of the DVD cover to continue to market my music video throughout the marketing package. Symbols and iconography related to my band will also be used in the inside of my cover.

DVD Cover and DVD Back Cover- Planning

This is my uploading of my plan for my back and front cover of my DVD. I have decided to conform and challenge my genres conventions when planning my DVD cover and back cover. I have used the running theme of checked squares throughout my marketing package and decided to use colour to bring the genre up to date and to a modern audience. I have used musical instruments on my cover and a piano outline on the back cover to show the musical side to my band. I have used iconography from my music video such as jug-saw pieces and the love heart used on the back cover- to continue my running themes and to give the audience a sense of familiarity with the music video and DVD. I have followed classic conventions to a DVD with the logo, information and so on.

Magazine Advert- Planning

This is an uploading of my plan for my magazine advert used to advertise my Digi-Pack. As you can see I have used the Rig-Saw pieces in the corner of my mag advert which I have also used on my Front Cover of my DVD, continuing my thematic style through my Digi-Pack. I have also used checked squares to show the conventions of the genre of Ska. There will be a silhouette of the band in the centre of my advert- which will be used as the main image. Sheriece will be in a black silhouette where as, Stacey will be in a white silhouette- this is following Ska conventions with the use of colour and also using a silhouette was a common convention when analysing CD covers of Ska artists/bands. The title, band name, release date, website and format of the release with further details will also be on the magazine advert.

Ideas for Marketing Package- Planning

Throughout my marketing package I am going to use some Ska conventions I was made aware about from my research into the genre. The conventions I am planning to follow (influences gained through the album covers I have textually analysed) are silhouettes and checked squares, however I am planning to modernise these conventions with the use of colour to appeal more to my target audience. I am going to also gain inspiration from my music video and use the style and imagery of the rig-saw pieces which is seen at the end of our video. I have decided to plan to use bright and neon colours throughout my marketing package to show the progression of the Ska genre and bring the genre to a new and modern audience. The use of bright and neon colours might hold connotations of pop, funk and new rave for my audience; although my bands genre of music is Ska I have decided to go against the use of black and white in the marketing package.

Research into similar marketing ideas and represenation for bands.

While researching into my chosen genre and target audience I have decided to take influence from the pop rock band The Noisettes who are on the same parent record label as my band - Universal Music Group but not on the sub-label of Island Records. I want to appeal to the same audience that the marketing ideas for The Noisettes appeal to- teenagers and students. I also feel that The Noisettes have elements of retro style in their band and feel 'The Madettes' are being retro with the genre they are- Ska band.

When producing my marketing materials for 'The Madettes' I will keep The Noisettes in mind and their appeal along with marketing materials produced for their band.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Chosen font to use- Planning and Research

The chose of font I have decided to use is ‘Phorssa’ which I downloaded from to use for my marketing package. I have decided to use this font with bright/neon colours as it communicates the indie pop genre. Although my genre is Ska this is what I want to achieve when bring the genre and breaking the conventions for a modern and new audience. The font connotes a girly punk attitude- the font is also similar to a font that has been used in the past for the Sex Pistols.

Saturday 12 December 2009

Band/Marketing Image - Planning

I want to communicate to my audience that my band is about music and image appealing further to my target audience. I am planning to show this through the use of instruments not only in my music video but on the front cover of their album. I also want to show that ‘The Madettes’ are fashionable and have an appealing image. I am going to use the love heart necklace as a symbol relate to The Madettes and I am going to feature it on the back cover of the album- with an image of it and then a symbol besides the record label.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Magazine Music Adverts- Research

This is a second magazine advert advertising a bands CD album which I have analyzed for research when constructing my own magazine advert for the release of my bands 'The Madettes' DVD album. I felt out of the magazine adverts that I could have analysed this had elements most like the elements I would and want to be using when I produce my DVD magazine advert. The main image on the magazine advert is the artwork to the bands CD album giving the audience an idea of the genre and what they would be purchasing. Through the style of the conventions on the advert the genre that is portrayed is Electro/Indie rock- through the image and white font style and background I think the genre is portrayed well. The band may have a range of genres that they may fit into as the colour font with the album title is communicating a New Rave genre to me. There is conventional information on the advert- websites, record label, release date, release of format, band name and title of bands album.
I want to use elements used in this magazine to create my advert for example the contrast in background to the image, the conventions showing different genres I am interested to in experimenting with particular the use of font.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Magazine Music Adverts- Research

As part of our marketing package research I analysed two magazine adverts advertising for a release of an album. I was unable to find an advert with the genre of music being advertised the same genre my band full into Ska- so I analysed two contrasting adverts. This is my first advert that I textually analysed, advertising the album '9' by Damien Rice. The advert features reviews from a range of sources- newspapers to magazines, this maybe communicating that this album is critical acclaimed by a range of reviewers. The advert also features the conventions of a website and record label logo- for the audience to find more info about the artist if they wished. The colour of this advert comes across plan but sophisticated showing that the sound of the album might be mature and easy listening. There is an image in the bottom left- this is the front cover of the album by Damien Rice. The front appears like it has been hand written- communicating that Damien might be a singer songwriter who has wrote the song on his album. I feel the advert is effective as it appeals to its target audience of easy listeners, indie/folk rock and mature listeners.

Saturday 5 December 2009

The Veronicas CD Covers- Research

A personal influence when planning my marketing package were the female pop rock duo The Veronicas. I decided to personally research into their marketing and in particular their albums artwork, and from their album artwork I have gain influences from and ideas for my marketing package. As you can see The Veronicas have a checked squared theme running throughout all their album covers and back covers this is an influence from the Ska and 2Tone genre, so it shows how influences can be brought to the mainstream modern audience and genres are constantly challenging themselves. Also I find the use of colour effective as all the covers are dark but with light colours and some with neon colours. I want to carry the neon colours and checked square theme throughout my marketing package and I want to target an audience like The Veronicas target audience. I will be conforming to Ska conventions however I will be challenging them as I want to revive the genre for a new modern audience in particular a female audience.

Friday 4 December 2009

Ska CD Cover- Research

The last Ska album I have decided to textually analyse when undertaking my research is a Ska compilation album. I have decided to analyse a compilation album because I wanted to see how the conventions in the genre and different artists/bands would be brought together. As you can see the use of black and white is a clear convention of the Ska genre. This album has also used another colour- orange in its package- this could be showing a slight modernisation to the genre or a progression in the genre. I am attracted to the use of font that they have used for the word ‘SKA’ in the title and I would like to find a font similar to use in my album design. The main image of the cover features a black and white photo of a man playing an instrument which is commonly used in Ska music; the audience can also see the costume that is associated to the genre.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Ska CD Covers- Research

This is the second album cover/back cover I have textually analysed when researching into the Ska genre to gain inspiration and be made aware of the conventions to this genre. Once gain there is the running theme of the use of black and white, however there is a use of red font colour- this might be because they want certain information to stand out or to show a progression in the genre or to show that this band ‘The Specials’ is doing something original with the genre of Ska. There is another silhouette used in this album cover telling me that this is a common convention amongst the Ska genre. The black and white checked squares are used again on the back of the cover- along with the common conventions of an album back cover. There is a main image of the band on the front cover once again suggesting that they want to be original and different with the genre as most Ska genre albums don’t feature an image of the band. I find the integration of black and white effetive on the front cover suggesting that all races are equal and ‘The Specials’ welcomed black people into Ska.

Ska CD Cover- Research

I have begun to textually analyse the genre of Ska/2Tone artwork for the artist/bands album covers and back covers, to gain an understanding of the conventions from this genre to use when creating my marketing package- mainly my DVD cover and back cover. As you can see I have decided to analyse The Selecter’s album ‘Too Much Pressure’. The genre of music is directly told to the audience through the use of the symbol in the left hand corner on the front cover ‘2Tone’. The colours of only black and white are used on the back and front cover of the album- which is a common convention for the Ska genre. Another convention of the Ska genre and a convention which I want to use is the checked square- there are black and white squares running throughout this marketing package. I find the silhouette on the back cover effective and I would like to gain inspiration with the use of silhouette from this album, and use it in a different way/style for my band. There are the common conventions to a back cover of an album- record label, track listings, website etc. I feel this album cover is effective as the audience will know the style of the music from the conventions, with it sitting comfortably in the Ska/2Tone genre.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

CD Covers- Research

During class time we textually analysed the music artist Jay-Z's current album 'The Blueprint 3' shown beside, we also analysed his previous album covers over his career to see the change in Jay-Z image and representation as an artist. Studying this artwork we as an audience can see a change in reputation as a mainstream artist, at the start of his career where he has very little control if not any say in how he is representation- he is portrayed with a thug look and close-ups of him, this makes the audience feel slightly intimidated by him. As Jay-Z becomes more successful as a recording artist we see his albums and image develop. This latest album becomes less about his image and more about his music! This is because Jay-Z has more of a creative control over his music and representation. He has become more mainstream and popular showing that what Jay-Z is doing is sell-able. Jay-Z seems to have more control over this now rather than at the start of his career where the record label had all the control. Jay-Z has become a producer not only for himself but for other artist and is more creditable in the music industry than ever before. Is it obvious that Jay-Z wants to bring it back to basic to the music, he wants the audience to forget his image for a second and focus on his sound his music. I feel through this album Jay-Z has gained more respect as an artist.
This is successful and effective for Jay-Z but will be hard for a new band or artist to achieve with the audience having little awareness of who they are. I want a mix of image and music representation for the overall marketing package of my band 'The Madettes'.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Record Label Choice

The chosen record label for our band 'The Madettes' is Island Records UK part of the Universal Music Group. I was attracted to the chose of this label as one of my influences for the bands image in signed to Island Records and that is VV Brown. There is a range of diverse music genres on this record label which influence my chosen genre of music- Ska/2Tone, this record label is also a mainstream record label so it would be able to help with the marketing of my band. When personally researching into record labels I found out that this label was founded in Jamaica just like my genre of music Ska. I felt this direct link and my influences is a successful choice of record label for 'The Madettes'.