Final Product- Music Video

Tuesday 26 January 2010

I Am A Madette! Make-Up Range Merchandise Advert

I decided to branch out with the ‘I Am A Madette!’ brand and product a make-up range for my audience. I know that this would be successful as it appeals directly to my target audience- they wear make-up and having a make-up product by a girl-band will make them ‘edgy’ and ‘original’. I have uploaded my make-up range advert much like the other posters I went through the same process. I took photos of lipstick, lip-gloss, and a jewellery box that I would sell as a make-up box and other make-up products used in my gift set. I used the magic wand tool on Photoshop to edit out the white background on these pictures, so I would just have the product on its own. I then placed a variety of different coloured silhouettes of my band members on them- which would make them more sellable.

I have kept the same conventions I have used for my other adverts for the ‘I Am A Madette!’ brand. I have placed the name of the make-up range, photos of the product and where you can purchase the product from. The same font and background is used making my entire promotional materials one big marketing brand.

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