Final Product- Music Video

Friday 22 January 2010

The Madettes Tour Advert

Along with my Digit-Pack of a DVD cover and Album advert I have decided to produce other marketing materials to include in my marketing package as a whole. I have produced extra marketing materials for my band as it is another effective way of promoting my band as a whole and my bands products. All my marketing material appeals to my target audience and the merchandise behind my promotion is visually attractive to my target audience. I have used my theme of checked squares and purple background throughout the promotion materials along with the same font bringing together the whole of my music package. The music package also includes all necessary conventions for example the bands name, details of all the products and where you can purchase them, event details, record label and similar iconography throughout.

As advertised on my album promotional advert I have included information about a promotional tour that my band ‘The Madettes’ will be doing a couple of months after the release of their debut album (which is quite common amongst artist/bands), so I decided to produce a tour poster. I have again stuck with my conventions I have used on all other material and also show the conventions to a tour poster which include- the tour dates, venues my band will be performing in, venues box-office phone numbers, how to buy the tickets, title of tour, band name and website.

I researched music venues carefully as I wanted my band to perform in the right venues, appealing to the right away. The type of venues that I have decided to chose are venues that our popular amongst the student demographic- part of my audience that this band will appeal to. I have decided to get my band to perform in smaller venues as this is their first mainstream tour and most artists/bands start off with small venues.

I have kept the similar visual style to my tour advert as I have in my other products to make an effective overall marketing package, which will appeal and will be recognise by my audience.

1 comment:

  1. Clear attention has been paid to primary and secondary audience here. JIN
