Final Product- Music Video

Tuesday 26 January 2010

I Am A Madette! Jewellery Range Merchandise Advert

To continue the ‘I Am A Madette!’ brand for my band, I have decided to produce a jewellery range for my target audience. This is an uploading of my band’s jewellery range advert. I took photos of earrings, a necklace and a jewellery box- I then uploaded them onto the computer and edited the photos in Photoshop. I used my bands logo of the black and white silhouettes to create the earrings- I used the ‘magic wand tool’ to delete the charm on my original photo of the earrings and kept the top piece of the earring. I then placed the silhouettes under the piece of earring I had left to create this product. I placed a black silhouette of ‘The Madettes’ on the photo of the box and wrote the brand title as well. Finally, for my necklace I wanted to use the jig-saw theme I have in my Digi-Pack, so I copied the rig-saw pieces from my front cover and then placed silhouettes on top of them. I edited the photo of the necklace much like the earrings by deleting the charm and keeping the chain.

I have kept the same conventions that I have used on my other promotional material for my band to make it identifiable and as one whole marketing package. I have placed the name of jewellery range, photos of the product and where you can purchase the product from.

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