Final Product- Music Video

Friday 8 January 2010

The Madettes DVD Advert- Creating my magazine DVD advert- Photoshop

In today's session I created a magazine advert advertising my DVD, I kept the same background I have used for my DVD front and back cover so I copied the layer over to a new canvas that was the size of an A4 piece of paper. I then used the stamp tool and placed the rig-saw pieces in the corner of the advert, I then went over the jig-saw pieces with different colours using the brushes. I wanted to keep this theme throughout my Digi-Pack. For the main image of my band on the magazine advert I decided to use the same silhouette I used on the front cover from my DVD (relating and drawing a link between the two) but changed half the silhouette to black and the other to white- showing the Ska genre as it is a convention of the genre.

After creating the background and silhouettes to the advert, I then started to include the conventional information and symbols that needed to be on the advert. I placed my record label logo on the bottom right hand side and a DVD logo on the left. I kept the same font as on my DVD cover and included the bands name and title of the DVD. I also included additional information that would be needed such as the release date of the DVD, release formats and websites. To make the advert more appealing to the audience I included information about the lead single being on it and also that it is the bands debut release. I have also included details about a promotional tour that 'The Madettes' would be doing after the release of their album.

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