Final Product- Music Video

Monday 25 January 2010

I Am A Madette! Clothing Line Merchandise Advert

This is an uploading of my band’s clothing line ‘I Am A Madettes!’ advert for my bands merchandise. I took photos of clothing items including a white t-shirt, purple top, tie and skinny tie- I then uploaded them to the computer and edited them on Photoshop. I decided to create the clothing line ‘I Am A Madettes’ as I feel my target audience would aspire to be like ‘A Madette’ and this is one way they can feel part of ‘The Madettes’. I have placed the bands identifiable logo on the items of clothing to make it identifiable for my fans and more personal for the aspiring member of the audience.

I have kept the same conventions that I have used on my other promotional material for my band to make it identifiable and as one whole marketing package. Many pop/rock girl bands have merchandise like these items I have decided to create. I have placed the name of the clothing line, photos of the product and where you can purchase the product from. I will also create other merchandising materials for my target audience as this kind of marketing works with the promotion of my band and audience overall.

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