Final Product- Music Video

Tuesday 9 March 2010


When speaking about re-shooting we decided to film in the schools film club, so for this session we filmed a groups of students in film club who were wearing school uniform. We decided to set the classroom up as a generic classroom would be set up- re-arranging the chairs and tables into lines. So the audience would be able to recognise that the location was a traditional classroom.

We spoke to the students involved in filming at the time and told them what we wanted to achieve- them sitting in the room at desks. We filmed them sitting in one location and then got them to move to another location and so on. So when we come to edit this we would use stop motion so it would look like the students moving seats without seeing them actually do so.

The camera was set up in a high angle on a table with a long shot so the whole location could be seen in the shots. We also used a studio light to improve the lighting used in this sequence. Once we achieved what we wanted we then filmed another sequence.
From the same angle and shot type we filmed the students sitting down at the desks and introduced Sheriece and Stacey into the sequence. So they would appear with them and also showing them messing around and being ‘mad’ relating to our bands representation, as we needed to make this clearer which we were made aware from by are audience feedback.

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