Final Product- Music Video

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Evaluation: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Pt 4

Another factor that shows my media product challenging the conventions of the Ska genre in the music video is the performance factor. We have the band performing in the music video but not as often as you would conventionally see it in bands belonging to the Ska genre. Although the band is present with close ups of the bands instruments and performing- which is a common in the genre, we haven’t embraced this and used it totally throughout our music video. We were focusing on matching the lyrics with footage to create a sense of narrative and humour for the audience. We decided to give our audience more by animating the lyrics with live action that would illustrate what the lyrics say. To break the conventions further we used stop motion animation which hasn’t been used before in the genre of Ska.

Furthermore, I followed 2Tone Ska’s forms and conventions throughout my media product through the use of chequered squares and also split screens throughout my music video. I wanted to start a new movement of genre, re-inventing genres for a modern audience.

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