Final Product- Music Video

Monday 22 March 2010

Evaluation: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Pt 3

An extremely strong way that my media product challenges the conventions of the Ska genre is the image presented of my band. Ska is a male dominant genre with very little females present in the genre, so we wanted to break the conventions of 2Tone Ska and use an all female band. Influence came from ‘The Selector’, as band that features a main female vocalist as while as the Ska-Pop band that brought Ska to a modern audience in the 1990’s, ‘No Doubt’ which features a female main vocalist too. Creating an all female Ska band would modernise the genre completely and directly break the conventions of the male originated genre. As we are breaking the conventions with female members, I used elements that would complement the changing of gender for example the use of bright colours such as pink, purple and yellow featured in my music video as well as in my ancillary tasks.

Furthermore, in my ancillary task I had symbols of hearts and stars amongst other feminine elements that would challenge the genre of Ska, as these elements would have never been related to the genre. I am re-inventing the genre for a modern audience, developing the genre from a niche market to a more mass market. Taking direct personal inspiration for the indie pop girl band ‘The Veronicas’ .

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