Final Product- Music Video

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Uploading and Began to Edit

We upload our footage from the last lesson to see if these shots were successful and effective to use in our music video, from seeing the clips we were aware that lighting was a problem in the close up shots of Sheriece singing the chorus in various positions. This was because of the shadow and because the lack of natural lighting. We have decided to re-shot this section next lesson.

After viewing and trying to edit our male actor running on a plain white wall, we were aware that the Chromo Key effect could not be achieved, again because of the lighting within this shot but also because of the characters costume wasn't completely contrasting enough for the effect to be achieved. Shadows was another factor that stopped us from achieving the most effective shot that we could have achieved. We have decided also to re-shot this section next lesson.

While re-shooting these two sections, we have decided to use a powerful light source of 100Ws. To overcome our problem with the lighting and the shadows.

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