Final Product- Music Video

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Re-Shooting in the Recording Studio- Filming

Today after school, Me, Sheriece and Tom re-shooted in the recording studio as the shots we recorded previously did not reveal the main singer successfully and the main singer wasn't in the appropriate costume that a 'star' would wear. Sheriece wore the appropriate costume for the main singer as her costume followed the conventions of Ska female artists- wearing smart black, white, grey clothes. However, because we want to push the boundaries of this genre and modernise Ska for a modern audience she wore a bright pink scarf and cardigan to achieve this.

We set up the location so it would look professional for the audience when viewing the music video, we recorded various times in different positions with the camera. We recorded in a mid shot of the artist with the camera on a tripod, we recorded in a low angle/worms eye view with a slight up tilt with the camera just on the floor, we also used the FIG-RIG to record the artist singing using various close ups and mid shots. Other shots included hand held long shots, hand held mid shots and we placed the camera above Sheriece with a slight high angle/birds eye view. We decided to use a variety of different shots as the recording studio would be the audiences main focus within the video as we would use shots from this repeatedly throughout the music video. Another reason we used various shots was to make it more appealing, interesting and unique for the audience.

The lighting in these shots was minimal as we used the lighting in the room- I felt this was effective as the lighting was directly above the artist. The lights were small flood lights that appeared to look like small spotlights because there were a variety of them the lighting achieved was appropriate and effective for these shots.

I was extremely pleased with this recording session as we filmed about four takes using the camera in different positions and experiment with the camera positions and settings (e.g. night vision). The main singer- Sheriece also acted effectively and looked like she was performing.

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