Final Product- Music Video

Sunday 18 October 2009

Final Cut- Editing

In today’s lesson we continued to edit our footage, during the editing process we started to experiment with splitting the screen into four sections that had four different clips- this would be more interesting and engaging for the audience to watch rather than just one shot. This also fitted well with the beat of the music- this was our main reason behind the reason of doing this. The four shots showed the close up and point of views of the headmaster and band members. We gained inspiration for this opening from a music video by The Specials called ‘Gangster’. The effect we altered to achieve this section of our editing was the super composition.

Using the colour corrector we experimented with the beginning of the video so we created four squares- two black and two white. This is also a common convention of a Ska music video because of the use of black and white; we gained inspiration from another video by The Specials. Throughout our music video to modern the Ska genre for our current, modern audience we have gone against the conventions of Ska music but we have also followed various conventions and this is one.

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