Final Product- Music Video

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Shooting Chorus and Extra to be edited with Chroma Key -Filming

During today’s lesson Me, Sheriece and Tom filmed two sections that we would use within our music video. Firstly, we were fortunate to have a male actor who was willing to do what we directed him to do. We filmed him running in front of a plain white wall, in a long shot so that Tom could edit this shot with the Chromo Key which would mean we would lose the background and just have the actor- so we could use him running through other shots at various sections of our music video. We found that we had some slight problems when filming this section as we were unable to see the whole body of the actor running. We then decided to do the same shot but on a smaller wall so we could just crop the sides to show a white wall.

We also record four shots of the main singer Sheriece in close ups that we could use in the chorus of the song, we sang directly to the camera firstly, then to the left, then to the right and then she sang looking down. We aim to edit these shots into four separate squares to create the illusion that she is singing to herself from different parts in the screens.

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