Final Product- Music Video

Monday 12 April 2010

Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feeback? Pt 3

A final positive point that the audience enjoyed in the music video was the use of Illustration and Amplification used. The footage was connected and told the story of the lyrics, our audience wanted to see more of this and we acted upon this re-shooting footage that linked to the lyrics.

Although we received positive feedback we also received constructive criticism from the session. The audience main point of feedback was on the image of the band and how we represent the band. They felt we didn’t have enough of the band interacting with the audience and performing to them. Although it was communicated to the audience who the band members were, they didn’t feel connected to the main singer and felt that the main singer wasn’t representing a conventional ‘popstar’. When asked about the name of the band ‘The Madettes’ and if the band’s representation and persona of being ‘Mad’ was portrayed, they felt it was in parts but not enough and we needed more of the ‘mad’ effect. We took on board this feedback and decided to re-shoot focusing on the above factors that our audience made aware to us.

The audience felt that the amount of footage we filmed in the recording studio and placed within our music video was too much and the audience constantly wanted more of something different. The audience enjoyed the instruments playing and the performance factor to our music video because it wasn’t ‘over-used’.

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