Final Product- Music Video

Monday 26 April 2010

Final Product- Music Video

This is an uploading of my final A2 Media Studies main product a
music video.

Note that my personal chosen record company is Island Records not Stiff Records

Thursday 22 April 2010

Evaluation: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Pt 5

The final media technology I used in the creation process of my media products and the technology I felt I used to my best ability was Abode Photoshop for my ancillary tasks. I used this successfully as I used different layers to create backgrounds, titles, pictures and foregrounds that linked with the music video and also the promotional package altogether as a whole marketing brand. The main tools I used to create my ancillary tasks on Photoshop were the Stamp tool and Brushes. I used the brushes effectively by changing the opacity and also changed the tolerance levels to some brushes. Another effect I used often when using Photoshop was the colour overlay- I used this with my main image and other brushes. To manipulate and edit my pictures I used the Magic tool and Quick Selection tools to take out anything I didn’t want in the pictures- after doing that I added colour overlays to them. I was able to create designs I used successfully throughout my ancillary tasks and completed the designs used for my overall marketing package.

Evaluation: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Pt 4

An online technology I used to plan, research, evaluate and record the process of my media products was the website ‘Blogger’. I felt I used this form of media technology worked effectively as I recorded every part of the creation process on there and I was able to use all the options available to me. I was able to upload videos from Youtube to my blog, upload pictures and screenshots to help illustrate my writing.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Evaluation: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Pt 3

To produce the footage for my media product I used a digital camera. This was one of the most important technologies used as it was needed to capture and record all of our footage used in our music video. Alongside using the camera I used a tripod and FIG-RIG to create more interesting, visually appealing shots- I was using a media technology along with other forms of equipment to produce various different shots. I also used the media technology of a still camera- mainly in my ancillary task to take photos of my band members in different shot types and also merchandise materials.

Evaluation: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Pt 2

During the research and planning stages of my media product the main media technology I used was the Internet. I used Youtube to research into various music videos to analyse them and also used to download front CD covers and back covers to also analyse them to understand the conventions of the products.

Evaluation: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Pt 1

Media technologies played a significant part to the creation process of my media products. ‘Final Cut Express’ was an extremely important technology used when creating my music video. The effectiveness of this editing software allowed me to use a diverse range of effects such as colour corrector, mirror effect, strobe amongst others used in my media product. The programme also let me change the opacity levels and hue saturations of footage.

‘Final Cut Express’ allowed me to overlay footage so I could edit and cut the size of various clips easily and efficiently. The overlay of tracks meant I could constantly have the music track in, which helped with syncing the footage and saved time.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feeback? Pt 4

Our audience feedback session made me aware that our target audience was shown through the video, as they personally felt we were targeting the correct audience through the use of bright colours and effects used. It also made me aware of the improvements needed to my music video at the time and what expectations my target audience have when viewing a music video.

Monday 12 April 2010

Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feeback? Pt 3

A final positive point that the audience enjoyed in the music video was the use of Illustration and Amplification used. The footage was connected and told the story of the lyrics, our audience wanted to see more of this and we acted upon this re-shooting footage that linked to the lyrics.

Although we received positive feedback we also received constructive criticism from the session. The audience main point of feedback was on the image of the band and how we represent the band. They felt we didn’t have enough of the band interacting with the audience and performing to them. Although it was communicated to the audience who the band members were, they didn’t feel connected to the main singer and felt that the main singer wasn’t representing a conventional ‘popstar’. When asked about the name of the band ‘The Madettes’ and if the band’s representation and persona of being ‘Mad’ was portrayed, they felt it was in parts but not enough and we needed more of the ‘mad’ effect. We took on board this feedback and decided to re-shoot focusing on the above factors that our audience made aware to us.

The audience felt that the amount of footage we filmed in the recording studio and placed within our music video was too much and the audience constantly wanted more of something different. The audience enjoyed the instruments playing and the performance factor to our music video because it wasn’t ‘over-used’.

Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feeback? Pt 2

We received some positive feedback about our main media product, for example the audience felt attracted to the changing of bright colours when the band were performing. They felt it complemented the pace of the music and overall feel to the song.

Another example of an element to our music video that our audience appreciated was the effects used in our music video, particularly focusing on the use of opacity with the shots used in the recording studio- showing the sound levels and main singer recording. The audience found these effects ‘interesting’ as it helped to act as a transition between different shots and also didn’t focus just on what shot, there was more for the audience to look at.

Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feeback? Pt 1

To improve my media product of a music video I organised an audience feedback session, inviting members of our target audience which features teenagers from the ages of 14 to 18. We decided to invite this age range as the feedback would be the most effective as they are part of our target audience that we are trying to appeal to. Audience Feedback was given through what worked effectively with our Music Video (WWW) and what could we improve on in our Music Video (EBI). I felt the session was extremely useful to us as a production team as we heard directly from a part of our target audience what they felt attracted to and what they felt need more of or didn’t necessarily work.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Evaluation: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task? Pt 4

I also combined the jig-saw idea at the end of the music video to my ancillary task which draws another direct link between the two.

I feel that my combination between my main product and my ancillary task is a strong connection due to the representation of the band. The idea of ‘madness’ is seen in the music video which is also seen in my ancillary tasks in particular in the inside cover of my DVD, as the inside cover is packed with images, different colours and different stamp patterns, which is extremely eye catching and creates a ‘mad’ persona to the product.

Evaluation: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task? Pt 3

I feel another way I have effectively combined the two tasks is through the themes that are seen in the music video. I combined iconography from the music video featuring chequered squares and used them throughout the whole of my ancillary task. The conventional element of Ska was modernised with the use of colour placed on the chequered squares and a greater amount of squares.

Evaluation: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task? Pt 2

Throughout the main product there is limited amount of performing in the video suggesting that the band are more focused on the image of the band rather than music. I wanted to emphasise this with my ancillary tasks but also show that music is also apart of the band.

Evaluation: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task? Pt 1

The representation of the band is carried out through the Digi-Pack that features a music video and my ancillary tasks. Iconography can be used to combine the two but overall the combination can be complex to achieve. My most effective link between the music video and ancillary task is the use of colour. As the main product has challenged the conventions of Ska through the use of colour- I have done the same throughout my ancillary task. I have used bright colours in my ancillary task that are seen in the main product.