Final Product- Music Video

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Planning to Reshoot

During today’s lesson we discussed in our groups what re-shooting we were planning to do to improve our music video as a whole. While watching our music video back, we were made aware that various shots in the recording studio weren’t as effective as they could have been- due to the lighting used and also angles of the camera. We also didn’t feel that the main singer looked like a conventional ‘popstar’ in a music video and we needed more shots of the main singer performing to the audience- involving them.

Another factor to our music video that we were made aware of was the effectiveness of the stop motion used in the first verse and we felt we could use this throughout the whole of our video- footage matching the lyrics in the songs.

In the forthcoming weeks, we are planning as a group to re-shoot in the recording studio and also to shoot in our school’s Film Club, filming younger students in the classroom with our band members also present but through the use of stop-motion animation.

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