Final Product- Music Video

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Shooting Band with Instruments- Filming

As a convention of Ska music videos we decided as a group to record footage of our band playing musical instrumentals in a range of shots- including close ups, long shots and extreme close ups. We decided to have the main singer holding a mic as a prop and Stacey the member of the band to have a guitar and saxophone- we recorded Stacey in close ups playing these instruments.

As we decided that we would have 3 members in the band and two of them will we twins- we will need to edit the footage on Final Cut and crop the shots to make it look like Stacey is present on the right and left of the main singer.

We used the tripod and FIG-RIG to experiment with a range of shot types to make our video more appealing and pleasing to the eye of the spectator.

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