Final Product- Music Video

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Research: Direct Modern Influence For My Genre And Work

This is an uploading of a music video from a modern Ska influence, that directly influenced me
while creating my main product but also my ancillary tasks. This music video "Just A Girl By No
Doubt'" I found to be very similar while analysing the music video of "Baggy Trousers By
Madness" as the performance is very much alike and the band perform inside a house just like
in the music video "Baggy Trousers". This also added to my understanding of the conventions
into the genre and the modern conventions of the genre.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Uploading and Editing Sheriece Dancing

In this session as me and Sheriece had a free period so we decided to upload our footage that we had filmed from the previous session of filming. After we uploaded the footage we began to edit the footage like normal on Final Cut- we wanted the shots all on the screen so the audience could see them at the same time and again to make it more 'mad' (as the audience don't know where to look on screen). So Sheriece made the clips into 3 different ones on screen at the same time.

Monday 9 November 2009

Shooting Main Singer Dancing- Filming

Me and Sheriece decided in our free period to record the main singer (Sheriece) dancing as we felt that our band members were not very mad and we needed to show why the group was called The Madettes. I filmed Sheriece without a tripod so it was handheld and on a low angle birds eye view, I filmed her in a long shot with her whole body in view. We decided for Sheriece to be wearing colourful odd socks to add to the 'mad' theme for this section. I filmed three takes of Sheriece doing different things in each shots- one was dancing, one was walking backwards and fore-wards and the other was running up to the camera and waving to the audience.

Editing with effects

As a group we decided that our music video lacked a range of effects and it would be more appealing to the audience with more effects and it would also go along with the title of our band 'The Madettes' if we added some crazy effects into the video. We decided to break the conventions of Ska and 2 Tone music genre as we have played around with the use of colour in our music video- while using the tool on Final Cut which is the colour corrector. We also added the effect of the super imposition over a clip of the main singer in the recording studio, again to make it me appealing to our target audience and modernise our genre for today's audience.

Friday 6 November 2009


We began editing the second chorus of the song, we decided to spilt the screen up into four different sections showing different clips at the same time- this follows our square theme throughout our video. We decided to do this as it will be more interesting for the audience watching the video- as they will have four shots to look at, at one time.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Uploading the Band with Instruments- Editing

We upload our footage of our band playing the instruments in today's session, we were pleased as a whole with the footage that we have recorded and pleased that we have shots with the band performing together as it is a convention of Ska music videos. Through watching back the footage we were made aware how we could use the crop tool on Final Cut to achieve what we planned to achieve- with Stacey appearing on the right and left of Shereice.

Shooting Band with Instruments- Filming

As a convention of Ska music videos we decided as a group to record footage of our band playing musical instrumentals in a range of shots- including close ups, long shots and extreme close ups. We decided to have the main singer holding a mic as a prop and Stacey the member of the band to have a guitar and saxophone- we recorded Stacey in close ups playing these instruments.

As we decided that we would have 3 members in the band and two of them will we twins- we will need to edit the footage on Final Cut and crop the shots to make it look like Stacey is present on the right and left of the main singer.

We used the tripod and FIG-RIG to experiment with a range of shot types to make our video more appealing and pleasing to the eye of the spectator.

Monday 2 November 2009

Uploading the Re-Shooting in the Studio- Editing

To continue our progress in the editing stages we spent this lesson uploading the footage from our previous recording session in the studio, re-shooting the main singer Sheriece. We decided while this footage was being uploading that we would plan to experiment with the use of effects in our music video to make the video more 'MAD' like the title of our band 'The Madettes'.