Final Product- Music Video

Monday 28 September 2009

Shooting In The Recording Studio- Filming

As we needed to re-record a female version of the title song 'Baggy Trousers' we decided to film most of our video in the recording studio. Myself and Tom recorded Sheriece and Stacey singing into the recording mic in three different shots, the camera I was filming from was in a mid shot. We also used a handheld camera to get a moving shot effect that is common in all music videos.

We continued to film over another session, however this time Tom filmed the technincal equipment while I continued to film shots of Sheriece and Stacey (the band). The main focus was to record the girls singing so that we could use their verison of the song and break conventions of the genre by using all female Ska band.

1 comment:

  1. clear evidence of thorough research & planning. JIN
